Rootconf submissions for technical reviews

Receive feedback and visibility for your work



🛠️ About Technical Reviews 🛠️

Earlier, technical reviews were held as part of content curation for Rootconf and The Fifth Elephant conferences.

🚣🚣🚣 Starting 2025, technical reviews will be held as an ongoing, weekly activity, where practitioners give feedback to practitioners on their work.

Why submit your work for review

  1. Share your work with the community; receive valuable feedback from your peers (who participate as technical reviewers).
  2. Reviewed submissions enter the selection funnel for meet-ups and conferences. Curators - of meet-ups and conferences - will be more likely to choose from reviewed submissions.
  3. Elevate your ideas; elevate your profile; create more visibility for your work.

📢 Upcoming activities - submit now! 📢

  1. Meet-up with Achal Shah on 31 January - if you work on serverless architecture, and streaming, get an audience with Achal and an opportunity to get your work reviewed. Link to the meet-up forthcoming.
  2. Opportunity to showcase your work at FOSS United’s Hyderabad meet-up on 8 February -
  3. Opportunity for your work to be selected for Rootconf annual conference on 16 and 17 May 2025 - conference link coming up soon.

🎬🎬 Broad categories under which you can submit your work to Rootconf for reviews:

  1. Systems engineering
  2. Security engineering
  3. Site Reliability
  4. DevOps

** 📋📋 For a detailed list of topics, head to submissions**.

☑️ General guidelines on how submit your work for review ☑️

BEFORE you begin writing your submission, please give some thought to the following:

  1. Who is the audience for your idea/content? Think about their interests, work roles, challenges, age or experience as you decide this.
  2. What problem/pain are you trying to solve (for the audience)? This should be something that is communicated clearly so that they have a sense of your submission’s importance.
  3. What will be the scope of your submission? This will help identify the central topic or theme and should describe key areas you plan to cover.
  4. How will participants benefit? Think of practical and specific ways in which the audience will be able to apply the knowledge they gain, beyond just general awareness.
  5. What is the appropriate format for your submission, given the audience and objectives that you have in mind? Is it better suited as a blog post, a talk, a workshop, demo, etc?

🗣️ Use the above template as a guideline, while ensuring that it is in your own unique and authentic voice. 🗣️

💯💯💯 The most successful submissions are those where individuals are able to abstract an actionable insight from a common pain area, enlighten the audience about something new, provide a fresh perspective, and/or demonstrate innovation. 💯💯💯

✔️ How will the review take place?

  • All submissions made here will be reviewed by (practitising) reviewers via online meetings.
  • Two technical reviewers will participate in each review. They will provide feedback on two primary aspects - novelty and validity of the idea/work.
  • Feedback from the review will be summarized and added to the review page announcement.

🎟️ Subcribe to Rootconf membership 🎟️

Rootconf membership is valid for one year - 12 months! Members get the following benefits:

  1. Participation in all online peer review sessions.
  2. Access to all recordings from online reviews.
  3. Priority access to all offline meet-ups and online workshops hosted by Rootconf during the one year period.
  4. Access to Rootconf’s annual conference on 16 and 17 May in Bangalore - in-person and virtually (via live stream).

🎟️🎟️ Pick a membership to participate in Rootconf’s activities


If you’d like to get your work reviewed, leave a comment at
☎️ Call - (91)7676332020
📧 Email -

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