Everyone wants to build applications that scale well. Software architecture is all about trade-offs. Designing for scale often comes at an expense of increased development and operational complexity. Do we really need to design for scale from day one? Will the application ever see the scale that it is designed for? How do you know if it is not an premature optimization?

Not everyone is Google and Facebook. What worked for them may not work for a small startup or even a medium-sized organization.
--> What are the different approaches for scaling?
--> How to decide which approach is best suited for your project?
--> Are there any general guidelines?
--> Can we hear the success and horror stories from the practitioners?

Welcome to “Scaling from the First Principles”, a series of discussions and workshops around scaling. This series is coordinated by Anand Chitipothu. Anand has been building software for close to two decades now. He has built and managed Open Library at the Internet Archive, tried to build a machine learning platform at Rorodata, trained hundreds of engineers through his deep-dive courses ranging from Advanced Python to Kubernetes.

Participation: This session is free to attend. RSVP to participate. Zoom link will be sent to registered participants before the workshop. Or you can watch the livestream on this page, and leave comments/questions.

Contact details: For queries, call 7676332020 or write to info@hasgeek.com


Feb 18, 2021: Episode 04 - Building Products for Scale with Majot Pahwa, Puneet Khanduri and Ajey Gore.
Jan 21, 2021: Episode 03 - Scaling Up with Sidu Ponnappa
Dec 17, 2020: Episode 02 - Scaling with Common Sense with Kailash Nadh
Nov 19, 2020: Episode 01 - Scaling from the First Principles

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