🎬🎬 This project is accepting submissions on topics that generally fall under the bucket of Rootconf, such as:
- Systems engineering
- Security engineering
- Production engineering
- Site Reliability
- Building and managing systems for scale
💭💭💭 You can submit an idea for speaking on any of the following topics:
- CI/CD - case studies; advances in CI/CD pipeline automation, including use of new tools and techniques to streamline deployments and reduce the time to market.
- Core OS engineering
- Distributed systems
- Testing for distributed systems
- Cloud security
- Container orchestration
- Detection engineering - detecting security issues and vulnerabilities in production
- Experience reports from using security open source and proprietary tools
- Running databases in production
- FinOps
- High availability
- Infrastructure engineering to manage and deploy complex systems
- Kubernetes in production: with focus on real-world experiences and lessons from running Kubernetes in production, including best practices for scaling, security, and troubleshooting.
- Getting started with K8s - technical challenges; decision challenges
- Incident management
- Multi-cloud and hybrid cloud strategies - case studies of managing and optimizing multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments, including interoperability, cost management, and security; multi-cloud strategies to avoid vendor lock-in and improve redundancy; complexity in management and security.
- Observability - best practices for observability in modern applications, including the use of metrics, logging, and tracing to gain insights into system performance and reliability.
- Reliability
- Resiliency - techniques for building and maintaining resilient systems, including chaos engineering, fault tolerance, and disaster recovery planning.
- Securing systems running in production - incorporating security practices earlier in the software development lifecycle, commonly referred to as “shifting left” in DevSecOps.
- Security for AI systems - tools, case studies.
- Serverless architectures: costs, benefits (such as reducing operational overhead) and challenges (such as cold starts and monitoring).
- AI security products
- Software delivery management
- Software architecture - decision journeys; case studies; failure stories.
Many data product companies are implementing this deployment architecture of control plane plus data plane (Eg: https://docs.databricks.com/en/getting-started/overview.html). Would be nice to see how companies are approaching it and how customers are adopting it. This might fit into both Rootconf and Fifth El
Workflow management using Temporal - https://temporal.io/. This is an up and coming piece of software and the associated company is getting traction. I vaguely heard they’re setting up shop in Bangalore but not sure. I can name a couple of companies in Bangalore who’ve adopted it if you want. This might also fit into both Rootconf and Fifth El.
☑️ General guidelines for submissions ☑️
We appreciate that many participants create submissions out of a genuine desire to share knowledge with our community, and to contribute in a meaningful way. However, many written submissions fail to capture the attention of reviewers. More often than not this is because the content of the submission does not explain what they intend to communicate with sufficient clarity or detail.
BEFORE you begin writing your submission, please give some thought to the following:
- Who is the audience for your session? Think about their interests, work roles, challenges, age or experience as you decide this.
- What problem/pain are you trying to solve (for the audience)? This should be something that is communicated clearly so that they have a sense of your submission’s importance.
- What will be the scope of your submission? This will help identify the central topic or theme and should describe key areas you plan to cover.
- How will participants benefit? Think of practical and specific ways in which the audience will be able to apply the knowledge they gain, beyond just general awareness.
- What is the appropriate format for your submission, given the audience and objectives that you have in mind? Is it better suited as a blog post, a talk, a workshop, demo, etc?
🗣️ Use the above template as a guideline, while ensuring that it is in your own unique and authentic voice. 🗣️
The most successful submissions are those where individuals are able to abstract an actionable insight from a common pain area, enlighten the audience about something new, provide a fresh perspective, and/or demonstrate innovation. 💯💯💯
Here’s a guide to prepare your slides.
✔️ All submissions made here will be reviewed by (practitising) reviewers via online and offline meetings. Reviewers will give feedback on the novelty and validity of the ideas proposed.
🎟️🎟️🎟️ Rootconf community members have access to participate in the online peer review sessions. Pick a membership to support and participate in The Fifth Elephant’s activities 🎟️🎟️🎟️