Rootconf proposals for round the year in 2018

Rootconf proposals for round the year in 2018

On DevOps, security, cloud and IT infrastructure

Gowtham Sundaar


Running Batch Jobs in preemptible kubernetes nodes

Submitted Mar 10, 2018

Preemptible nodes are perfect for running short term workloads, in this talk we go into the details of using them with the Kubernetes Scheduler. With GKE natively supporting preemtibile nodes, with a little architectural changes in the workflow it’s easy to leverage it.


Brief intro about preemptible nodes in GCE, Cost savings description, Architecture of preemptible nodes in GKE, Creating a preemptible cluster, changes needed to the Job spec, Scheduling policies, Ensuring Job Completion, Autoscaling preemtible nodes, using with workflow engines like Argo.

Speaker bio

Working as a Site Reliability Engineer at Rapyuta Robotics where we are building a PaaS for robotics on top of Kubernetes.


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