Rootconf proposals for round the year in 2018

Rootconf proposals for round the year in 2018

On DevOps, security, cloud and IT infrastructure

Aravind Putrevu


Managing your Logging Infrastructure

Submitted Dec 7, 2018

Monitoring is a simple task, but with the right tools it is not a hard task. However, events like Black Friday/Big Billion Day can push your application to the limit, and even cause crashes.

As the system is stressed, it is a lot more logs, which may crash the monitoring system as well. In this talk I will walk through the best practices when using the Elastic Stack to centralize and monitor your logs/metrics/apm data. I will also share some tricks to help you with the huge increase of typical traffic on events like Big Billion Day.


Topics include:

  • Monitoring architectures
  • Optimal bulk size
  • Distributing the load
  • Index and shard size
  • Optimizing disk IO

Key Takeaway: best practices when building a monitoring system with the Elastic Stack, advanced tuning to optimize and increase ingest performance.

Speaker bio

Aravind is passionate about evangelising technology, meeting developers and helping in solving their problems. He is a backend developer and has seven years of development experience.

Currently he works at Elastic as Developer Advocate and looks after the Developer Relation function of India. Previously, He worked at McAfee Antivirus as a Sr. Software Engineer in Cloud Security Domain. He has deep interest in Search, Machine Learning, Security Incident Analysis and IoT tech. In his free time, he plays around Raspi or a Arduino.



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