Taking on Kubernetes - ready or not?

Taking on Kubernetes - ready or not?

Operator perspectives and war stories from inside Flipkart and Sharechat



Three key challenges with K8s are:

  1. Getting started
  2. Costs
  3. People, skills

📍Online AMA with Arya Ketan (Sharechat) and Neeraj Bisht (Flipkart) on taking on the behemoth that is Kubernetes. Register for free.

This online AMA is the first part in the series of discussions on K8s. Next up - K8s deep dive meet-up in May 2024.



💬 Post a comment with your questions here


Participation in this online AMA is free. Recording of the AMA will be available only to Rootconf members- https://hasgeek.com/rootconf#membership


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