Security, Verifiability and the Business of Information Infrastructures

A series about the application of consent and crypto-based principles

Digital and information infrastructures are the new business layers to interact with consumers as part of regulatary requirements. How secure are these systems? How do businesses connect with these infrastructures to provide over-the-top services to citizens/consumers/users?

Rootconf introduces a new project about the application of consent and crypto-based principles for tech platforms and products. This project includes:

  1. Explainer sessions.
  2. AMAs with practitioners who work on platforms.
  3. Call for Presentations (CfP) to showcase application of consent and crypto-based practices in the industry and government.
  4. Fostering collaborations within the business and engineering communities to work towards mitigating the risks associated with information infrastructures.

The first session under this project is an in-depth explainrer about Electronic Consent and Digital Locker. The Digital Locker system allows businesses to fetch customer KYC documents using the electonic consent architecture. The electronic consent architecture is deemed as the digital standard by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) for all the upcoming information architectures and data exchange platforms. This session will help engineers, product managers and business heads to comprehend the electronic consent architecture. Anand Venkatanarayan will explain how the concepts of informational theory and cryptography are applied to the electronic consent architecture underlying the digital locker infrastructure, and the security safeguards and risks.

Who should participate:

  1. Engineers and product managers who work on integrating consent frameworks in their products.
  2. Business professionals who want to understand risks of information infrastructures.
  3. InfoSec and security practitioners.
  4. Crypto practitioners and researchers.

Pre-event comments and questions should be posted on

Participation is via Zoom. Link to be shared shortly.

References for this session:

  1. Electronic Consent Framework
  2. Digital Locker Technology Framework
  3. Digital Locker Authority

About Rootconf: Rootconf is a platform for SRE, DevOps, security and InfoSec developers, and cloud operators. Rootconf engages with the community through talks, workshops and events, and engaging with issues that concern infrastructure, security and business.



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