DevConf 2017

Scaling platforms and services. Co-hosted by Rootconf, Red Hat and the Linux Foundation.

Mehul Ved


Our journey to dynamic cloud infrastructure using Packer + Terraform + Ansible + Jenkins

Submitted Apr 12, 2017

This talk will take you through our journey on how we went from manual infrastructure management to an automated one. Instead of focusing on basics of the tool which can be read up, this talk will take you through how we started using these tools to slowly add automation to our infrastructure and provide rationale behind the choices we made.


  • The beginning - Manually starting and stopping machines from rackspace control panel. Using basic shell scripts and documenting on wiki.
  • Automating configuration - Adding ansible scripts to sort out configuration drift and inconsistencies.
  • Automated deploys - Move to CI and CD tools to automatically deploy and configure our system.
  • Dynamic Infrastructure - Using ansible to dynamically maintain infrastucture and eventual shift to terraform.
  • Base images for quicker and more consistent deployments using packer
  • Tying in packer + terraform + ansible + jenkins (WIP but can present my thought process and get feedback)

Speaker bio

Mehul Ved is a system administrator for Nexsales Solution Private Limited. His role involves maintaing and improving the IT infrastructure for inhouse products development team. He also looks at technical processes among the team.



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