Miniconf on Cloud Server Management (Mumbai)

On costs, scaling and securing cloud servers

Srujan A


Resource allocation -- The usuals and beyond

Submitted Nov 6, 2017

Key take-aways:

  1. Keeping the costs low, while increasing the infrastructure.
  2. Measuring micro-services’ independent costs. Metrics to look at and understanding how application is using resources.
  3. Designing infrastructure with ability to auto-scale.
  4. Infrastructure coding -- the essentials.


First 5 minutes: Assumptions of the applications running behind. Key metrics to be observed per application; Setting up all the requirements.
Next 5 minutes:
What’re the metrics to look at, how to measure them and how to validate your decision of allocation.
Recommended infrastructure code practices.
Handling production failures due to under-provision and how to solve the incident quickly.
Next 2 minutes: Buffer for above topics.
Next 3 minutes: QnA.

I’m submitting for 15 minutes. However, if the organizers consider topic to be good for 30 minutes, I can expand topics.

Speaker bio

I’ve worked with AWS and Google Cloud for the past 3 years and developed various strategies, to minimise manual interruption on managing cloud infrastructure.
WebEngage, where I currently work, handles communication and engagement of > 45 million users. Having this scale on several microservices and calculating how much each micro-service is costing us, to find out ROI, made me experienced in understanding the requirements and nearly automate the resource allocation.


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