Miniconf on Cloud Server Management (Mumbai)

On costs, scaling and securing cloud servers

Mohamed Imran K R


Cloud Agnostic Webscale

Submitted Nov 2, 2017

The talk is intended to give participants an overview on how to build webscale architecture with a cloud agnostic approach. Cloud agnostic means no dependency on any underlying component on the cloud player. This ensures that infrastructure is inherently scalable and you have deep insights into how things work to make better scaling decisions while also controlling cost


  • Introduction to cloud Agnostic approach to computing
  • why is webscale important and how to design one from groundup
  • How does being cloud agnostic help in scaleup ?
  • Reference architecture for a cloud agnostic strategy with scale builtin
  • Multicloud strategies with cloud agnostic approach
  • Q & A

Speaker bio

CTO @E2E Networks, i am responsible for running the cloud operations and various initiative revolving around this. Am a firm believer in Free and open source software and we at E2E Networks have leveraged our extensive experience in open source to give scalable solutions on cloud agnostic setups


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