Rootconf Mini 2025, Hyderabad

Rootconf Mini 2025, Hyderabad

Geeking out on systems and security since 2012

Raj Suvariya


Nothing is "free" in database world !!!

Submitted Dec 24, 2024

{Describe your talk/workshop/BOF in 2 paragraphs}
In today’s world, databases are essential for the functioning of applications, yet many users are unaware of the trade-offs involved in selecting a database system. This talk will examine the challenges associated with traditional SQL-based databases, especially regarding availability and durability. We will explore issues stemming from single-instance databases and discuss multi-instance databases, covering their various topologies and the pros and cons of each. Despite their improvements, these setups still face limitations.

Next, we will delve into distributed databases, which offer solutions to many of the concerns raised by traditional systems by providing better availability and strong consistency guarantees. However, these advanced databases come with their own drawbacks and trade-offs that need to be understood. By the end of the session, participants will recognize that every database solution has its advantages and disadvantages, reinforcing the key message that “nothing is free” in the database world.

{Mention 1-2 takeaways from your session}

  1. Essential Trade-Offs: Every database solution has unique advantages and disadvantages that must be carefully weighed.
  2. No Universal Solution: What works for me maynot work for you!!!

{Which audience segment is your talk/session going to beneficial for?}

  • Software Architects
  • Software Engineers
  • Devops


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