Feb 2017
13 Mon
14 Tue
15 Wed
16 Thu 09:00 AM – 06:00 PM IST
17 Fri 09:00 AM – 06:00 PM IST
18 Sat
19 Sun
Manas Ranjan Kar
Submitted Nov 30, 2016
How can we create a resume ranking engine based purely on job descriptions on job boards? Can I create recommendations purely based on the skillset & job role? How do I use natural language processing techniques to create valid recommendations of related skillsets? For example, how can I recommend “AngularJS” to an HTML developer who wants to prop up his CV? The other challenge lies in dealing with multilingualism - from English & Dutch job boards?
This talk will showcase how a recommendation engine can be built with job descriptions using a state-of-the-art technique - word2vec. We will create something that not only matches the existing recommender systems deployed by job websites, but goes one step ahead - ranking & scoring a resume from its content. The beauty of such a framework is that not only does it support online learning, but is also not too sensitive to language differences.
How do we account for the proper skillsets and build it in our ranking systems? The talk will answer these questions and showcase effectiveness of such a resume ranking engine.
Manas likes helping clients making sense of their data and build a powerful case for business change using analytics in their respective companies.
He has architected multiple commercial NLP solutions in the area of healthcare, foods & beverages, finance and retail. He is deeply involved in functionally architecting large scale business process automation & deep insights from structured & unstructured data using Natural Language Processing & Machine Learning. He has contributed to Gensim & ConceptNet
To sum up his experience, he has worked on;
His detailed LinkedIn profile is https://in.linkedin.com/in/manasranjankar . His Github profile is https://github.com/manasRK
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