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The practice of Content Management and Strategies around content

Souvik Das Gupta

Souvik Das Gupta


Project discovery for a content website

Submitted Feb 14, 2018

Biases creep in pretty much everything we approach in life, and creating a website is no exception. After all we’re humans. A new website project typically starts off with a client telling us about what they want, and often jumping ahead to describe (or dare I say, prescribe) the outcome or the solution in their mind. From that point onwards, we guide the conversation towards a journey of unlearning and shedding biases, and discovering what the project really needs. In this session, I’ll talk about the whys and hows of our typical week-long exercise of deeply understanding project needs, more specifically the audience, content and goals along with arriving at their prioritisation. It’s not uncommon to witness clients reach a point when they let out a loud sigh and sincerely ask themselves “Why are we really making this website?”


  • Why is a process of discovery important?
  • How to conduct a discovery workshop?
  • What to learn about audience, content and goals?
  • How to prioritise content, features and functionalities?
  • How does the learning impact decisions and solution?

Speaker bio

Souvik architects information and makes content-heavy websites at Miranj — a studio he co-founded in New Delhi. He also engages in exploring business opportunities, managing client relationships and has been speaking on information architecture, user experience and web standards in the Indian web community. Away from work he indulges in backpacking, music, coffee, food and occasional marathons.


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