Apr 2014
21 Mon
22 Tue
23 Wed
24 Thu
25 Fri
26 Sat 09:30 AM – 05:00 PM IST
27 Sun
Submitted Mar 7, 2014
A detailed overview of how Redis could be used for just more than a cache and the importance of data models. And how a single master-slave can effectively scale and when and why do we need redis clusters. It is to explain the difference and the leverage you get when you look at Redis as just more than a cache.
The session will broadly cover -
Introduction to Redis
Using Redis as a Cache Vs Data Store
Coming up with Data Models for Redis
Redis Pipelines, multi and transactions
Using Redis data structures to build queues and small relayers.
Redis configuration tweaks.
Redis cluster and sharding
The fancy numbers
The learnings
A bit of know-how about NoSQL data stores and an open mind would just about do.
Software Engineer @Flipkart
Loves playing around with python.
Platforms and Internet Application Development my calling.
Underpaid standup.
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