Meta Refresh 2015: Delhi Run-up

Data-centric mobile web design

Aniket Maithani


Beautify your Real Time Monitoring System

Submitted Mar 11, 2015

The talk cover the following principal topics :

  • Importance of Data Visualization in your Monitoring System
  • Test Cases
  • Raw Data vs Visualized Form
  • Using generic front-end such as Grafana/Kibana.


An approach and a system to develop a system to monitor several important aspects related to online monitoring of your servers/datacenters and “BEAUTIFICATION” of your data, such as System activity and other metrics on a Real Time basis. The approach includes the logging of important data related to system stat during server runtime environment and exploits data visualization to highlight information useful to let System Administrator know WHAT EXACTLY IS WRONG WITH THE SYSTEM!! and most importantly WHERE??!.

Speaker bio

Hello everybody!! I am Aniket Maithani, inhabitant of this planet Earth. I am currently pursuing final year B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Amity University [Noida]. I am a FOSS enthusiast and believe that FOSS/FLOSS is the only model which renders absolute development of a software in a open domain. I generally hang around on various IRC forums some of them include #amity-linux-adda, #asetalias, #linux-india, #openhatch.

  • Aniket Maithani (


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