Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

Akshay Murthy


Writing maintainable Vanilla Javascript

Submitted Jan 9, 2014

Many times, in a web project, the front end logic doesn’t call for a framework like Backbone, Angular, etc. But over time, the Javascript code gets bloated up in one unmanageable application.js.

This talk is aimed at introducing beginners to some common ways of writing maintainable and modular JS when not using a front end framework.


For the last two years, I’ve been working on highly interactive single page apps which required use of Backbone.js. Last month I started working on redesigning our website with Wordpress. Needless to say, no JS frameworks are being used. Javascript MV* frameworks significantly help in structuring our code better and in their absence week after week, the JS code was getting worse. Add a little jQuery to that and the code was becoming a mess of selectors and callbacks.

In the talk, I would take this example to go about showing

  • how simple object orientation can help in reducing code duplication
  • namespacing objects and functionality for encapsulation
  • better namespacing jQuery selectors as done in popular frameworks

Speaker bio

I am a Product Developer at Multunus Software with about 2 years of experience. My work has primarily revolved around Ruby on Rails and Backbone.js.


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