Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

Ronak Bhandari


Visualising data on Maps

Submitted Jan 6, 2014

Often data have geographic context e.g. census, elections, sales and distribution, weather, etc. The objective of this talk is to introduce the audience on how to visualise data with geographical context on maps. Towards the end, we will show case an interactive dashboard on top of Indian Census 2011 using Dc.js and Crossfilter.js


We will cover how to visualize any data geographically. The topics covered are:

  • Geo:
    • Projection
    • Translate
    • Scale
    • Graticule
    • Path
    • Streams
  • Data for Geo:
    • Shape Files
    • GeoJson
    • TopoJson
  • Other tools for GEO
    • ColorBrewer
    • PostGIS
  • Geo with Dc.js and Crossfilter.js
    • overlayGeoJson
    • colors
    • colorDomain
    • colorCalculator
    • dimension
    • chartGroup
  • Hint of OLAP modelling.
  • Showing Census of a geo location using Dc.js and Crossfilter.js.


You should have basic knowledge of d3.js.

Speaker bio

Ronak works as a Data Engineer at Pykih. He works in the intersection of Data Modelling and Data Visualization. Apart from developing in d3.js, he does a lot of data modelling in Pentaho and OLAP. Prior to joining Pykih, Ronak ran his own boutique web development business. Some of his work is at Pykih > Work. You can follow him at @pykih.


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