Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

Anirudh Sanjeev


Desktop: The final frontier

Submitted Dec 20, 2013

This talk will help you understand the different frameworks to run your HTML/JS/CSS app as a first-class desktop application.


RIA (Rich internet applications) traditionally run inside a browser environment. This provides various benefits like always-up-to-date code, a no-install experience among others.

But what if your application is more important and it needs a full-fledged desktop application for a high degree of access. The benefits of running your RIA on the desktop are:

  1. More access to resources like filesystem, sound, etc.
  2. Ability to run native code like C++ (for some frameworks) to do heavy lifting and display in JavaScript.
  3. Make it easy to run for users who don’t update their browsers, and cannot grok the concept of a web application.

This talk won’t be an evangelizing session about the benefits of moving your apps on a desktop, but real-world practical advice on what to do if you want to. The structure of the talk will be:

  1. I take a sample demo app which I’ll port on every platform I’m testing.
  2. I present whatever pitfalls and difficulty I had with different systems.
  3. I summarize the amount of code/time it took to convert a web app into desktop app with each platform.

The platforms that I intend to cover are:

  • Chrome Embedded Framework
  • Chrome packaged apps
  • Webkit GTK+
  • Adobe AIR
  • Appjs
  • Tide SDK
  • node-webkit
  • QT’s QHtml5Application
  • HeX
  • Bellite

Speaker bio

I am the co-founder of RazorFlow. We build a HTML5 Dashboard Framework which lets you quickly develop cross-device dashboards.

I know a thing or two about JavaScript.


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