Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

Praneet Koppula


Design with Open Data

Submitted Nov 6, 2013

Introduce the participants to learn and apply basic components of the design innovation process for a specific challenge: use open data to build useful and innovative applications.

The tools and methods that the participants experinence during the workshop can be generalized to their day to day work context.

Worksheets and method handouts will be provided to the participants which gives them a basic framework to apply in thier own projects post the workshop.


The workshop will introduce the participants to the open data sources and introduce hands-on design innovation methodology on how to come up with ideas that are useful, test assupmtions, build prototypes and validate them.

The workshop itself is structured as a bootcamp, where participants work in small teams to work on the ideas and take them through to prototypes. The participants walk away with learnings on how to apply the methodology in thier own projects.

Why Open Data:
We now have access to hundreds of free datasets online, thanks to Open Data initiative by our government bodies. We have hardly seen any useful applications for the common ‘online’ man using these data sources.

Basic Structure of the workshop:

  1. Introduction to Open Data Sources
  2. Examples from across the world of useful applications built using Open Data
  3. Idea to Prototype: Design Innovation Bootcamp
    a. Empathize
    b. Define
    c. Ideate
    d. Prototype
    e. Test

Who should attend:

  1. Designers
  2. Web Enthusiasts
  3. Anyone with inclination towards Data and Visualizations


A bunch of A4 sheets
Sketch pens (optional)

Speaker bio

Praneet is a daily Design Thinker, weekend Cook and an occasional photographer. After an engineering degree, he has dabbled in the design world researching technology products for the under-served, designed interfaces and services. He has worked at both large organisations and startups, evangelising UX and setting up UX teams. He currently heads the UX and the Product team at Bang The Table. Perviously, he spearheaded design at AlmaConnect and Established UX team and processes at Grameenphone, Dhaka.


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