Jul 2019
22 Mon
23 Tue
24 Wed
25 Thu
26 Fri 10:00 AM – 04:35 PM IST
27 Sat 10:00 AM – 06:35 AM IST
28 Sun 10:00 AM – 03:00 PM IST
Abhiram Kumar
Submitted Jun 28, 2019
This session gives a brief introduction to volatile memory analysis using the open source tool “volatility”.
Key takeaways:
This session will start from the very fundamentals:
The participants need to have the following installed in their computers:
Allocate around 1GB of RAM for the virtual machine and please enable Virtualbox Guest Additions so that data transfer between Guest & Host is possible.
Hi! I am Abhiram Kumar. I am a 3rd year UG student pursuing my B.Tech in CSE at Amrita University, Amritapuri. I am a member of Team bi0s, CTF team from Amrita University. I have been focusing on Volatile Memory Analysis and Cyber Forensics for the last 3 years. I also have experience in conducting a workshop on Cyber Forensics at the VIDYUT Multi-Fest. I am also a member in the Core Organising team of InCTF & InCTF Junior.
I, along with a few members of my team authored the DFRWS IoT Challenge 2018-19 paper and got selected in the Top 5 submissions: https://github.com/dfrws/dfrws2018-challenge/tree/master/challenge-submissions/bi0s-amritapuri
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