Ladakh Science Camp, Batch-2

Ladakh Science Camp, Batch-2

Ladakh Science camp is a step towards encouraging STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) by providing the practical exposure in the field of science

Ladakh Science Foundation - LSF organised "Ladakh Science Camp, Batch-3"45 Students and Science enthusiasts across India (Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Assam, Delhi and Ladakh) participated in this multi-cultural, multi-lingual Science Camp.

They were exposed to the various scientific research being conducted in research organizations in Ladakh such as DIHAR-DRDO, NISR (Sowa Rigpa), IAO-IIA Hanle, Hanle Dark Sky Reserve, BARC-MACE-HIGAR Telescopes, 2M Himalyaan Chandra Telescope, 50CM Robotics Telescope, ISRO project site, Night Sky watch program, Puga Geothermal site, Hot Springs Puga & Chumathang, NIELIT incubation centre, IMD-Metrological centre, SECMOL Campus, Archeological sites (Leh Palace, Shey Palace etc).


We thank all the above organizations and individual experts for extending their selfless and full support for the successful and productive conduct of Science Camps.




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LSF aims to promote. science & create scientific temper among the younger generation