JSFoo: round the year submissions
Submit talks on JavaScript and full stack engineering round the year
Submit talks on JavaScript and full stack engineering round the year
Dhananjay Kumar
Submitted Mar 29, 2018
It is a long time debate that whether JavaScript is an Object Oriented Language or not? We all know that it is not, then how almost everything in JavaScript is an object. If we do not have class (yes in ECMA 6, there is a keyword class syntax introduced but that is not a real class anyway) then how objects are created?
Answer of all above questions lie in understanding of following concepts,
• Different ways of JavaScript object creation
• prototypes and prototype chain
• this keyword
• proto
JavaScript objects are much more than what you see in an object literal. In addition, above concepts are pivotal, because they are foundational to do real programming with JavaScript.
This session will simplify these backbone topics of JavaScript language. As a starter, JavaScript is a prototype based language in which object is created by another object, and in order to do that it creates a prototype chain. Having a good understanding of prototype is required to write real JavaScript applications or to work effectively with popular JavaScript Frameworks.
This session will be combination of live coding and visualization of concepts as drawing on the white board. At the end of the sessions, you will have good understanding of following:
Dhananjay Kumar is Developer Evangelist for Infragistics. He is awarded with prestigious Microsoft MVP award 8 times. He is one of the most popular and respected Developer Evangelist in India.
He is the author of 900+ articles , and can often be found speaking at conferences and hosting workshops for programmers across the country. So far, he has hosted 65 workshops on various topics like JavaScript, Angular, WCF, ASP.NET MVC, C#, Azure etc.
Currently he is busy in creating an effective developer ecosystem on JavaScript and Frameworks around in India. He runs a meetup community called geek97 which is largest community of JavaScript developers in Delhi. He is also organizer of India Angular Conference - #ngIndia
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Dhananjay Kumar
@debugmode Submitter
It is on MDN but most of the developer does not know then in action ! This talk will help them getting more handon in the concepts of Object.
Raghavendra R
These concepsts are on mdn already, How different this talk gonna be ?