Baishampayan Ghose

Baishampayan Ghose

@bg Reviewer

Ankit Solanki

@ankit_clear Speaker

Notes on F#: Doing functional programming in production at Clear

Submitted May 11, 2023

This is a conversation with Ankit Solanki, co-founder at Clear about using Functional Programming in production at Clear (formerly Cleartax).

Baishampayan Ghose (BG), founder at TeamOhana will interview Ankit about Clear’s experience with F#. BG will cover the following questions in this conversation:

  1. What did Clear use before swtiching to F#?
  2. How did Clear evaluate F# before deciding to go with it? How did the leadership buy-in to move to F# i.e., what case was made/evidence presented for switching to F#?
  3. What were the performance gains after switching to F#?
  4. What did Clear do to ramp up existing staff on FP mindset (trainings or courses or books and so on)? What has Clear’s hiring experience been?
  5. What pain points or roadblocks did Clear have to deal with on account of opting for F#?
  6. Did Clear evaluate using any FP framework/language for the frontend? TypeScript + React is a combination used very widely.
  7. In hindsight, what would Clear do differently, if it could do it all over again?


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