JSFoo Pune 2020

JSFoo Pune 2020

On component architecture, performance, security for front-end, and emerging trends



Nagaraj Hubli


Web Components - Natural evolution of Web

Submitted Feb 8, 2020

Web Components is a meta specification, made up of 4 underlying specifications - Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, ES Modules & HTML Template.

Web Components helps developers in authoring components that are framework agnostic in nature, which means you write your components once, and use them in any framework like Angular, React, Vue.js etc, this feature of Web Components helps in large enterprises, as it gives freedom to teams to pick their own framework for their application, while still being able to use the same component library, which helps in maintaining unified user experience across various products.

Components built using Web Components standards are encapsulated using ShadowDOM, this prevents both the component level styles and the app level styles from affecting each other.


Brief histroy of Web
What are Web Components?
Underlying Specifications
Enterprise Case Study

Speaker bio

Currently working as Associate Architect at Pramati Technologies, with overall experience of 15+ years as a Front-end web developer. My latest passion being all about Bitcoin, and the impact its going to bring on the course of our civilization.




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