JSFoo 2018

JSFoo 2018

On JavaScript and Security

Aparna Vaikuntam


Just make sure you don't have a form

Submitted Feb 5, 2018

Thats right. Forms, where you enter some data and submit.
No one knows the magic formula for making users happy but one generally accepted way to fail is to have a registration form. To be avoided at any cost.
But hang on. What if form input is the primary way the user interacts with your application?
Say, you have a loan processing system for capturing financial data of people running micro enterprises with limited digital footprint?
We at Artoo are solving this problem of bringing technology to those who need it the most.
Being able to quickly add and customize forms for our clients is business critical for us.
We have engineered our solution so that form rendering and validation logic is abstracted and does not have to be coded separately for every form. This reduces the time for developing and testing our product as it grows.
In this talk, I hope to explain our scalable and maintainable form rendering system powered by Ember.


  • Mock requirements of a registration form
  • The traditional solution
  • Problems with the traditional solution
  • Using Ember patterns to solve these problems

Speaker bio

Aparna is product architect at Artoo. She works across the stack comprising an Ember frontend, Node.JS backend and an android solution.
She has a decade of engineering experience, including stints at Vencore Labs (previously Applied Communication Sciences) and Samsung Research.
Aparna also holds a Masters degree in Computer Science from Rutgers, NJ.
She is a mom and a passionate engineer.
When not stuck with a tech sinkhole, she can be found reading a book while watching Shin Chan with her daughter, but without much success.




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