Sep 2014
15 Mon
16 Tue
17 Wed 09:30 AM – 06:15 PM IST
18 Thu 08:30 AM – 06:00 PM IST
19 Fri 08:45 AM – 05:30 PM IST
20 Sat 08:45 AM – 05:15 PM IST
21 Sun
Sep 2014
15 Mon
16 Tue
17 Wed 09:30 AM – 06:15 PM IST
18 Thu 08:30 AM – 06:00 PM IST
19 Fri 08:45 AM – 05:30 PM IST
20 Sat 08:45 AM – 05:15 PM IST
21 Sun
Febin John James
Submitted Jun 1, 2014
This workshop will teach you to develop a full-fledged web app on Meteor.
We will be developing TeamSync (Realtime Collaboration Tool)
TeamSync is a realtime collaboration tool which allows the users to collaborate with their team members realtime. Team members can update their status on what they are upto ,add missions, assign tasks , track productivity & chat with the team.
The best thing is you only need basic knownledge of javascript to build this full-fledged app. Meteor makes it so simple for you.
This is the structure of the workshop , we will be learning while we build
1.) Introduction to Meteor
Here i will be explaining what is meteor, how it work’s and how it can drastically reduce the development time. Instruction’s will be given to install meteor . Also meteor packages will be explained.
2.) Mini Mongo
This is for you to get familiar with mongo queries. This will teach you to make CRUD operations on MongoDB. It’s simple and easy to learn.
3.) Templates
We will be creating templates. Learning about handlebars . We will be making our prototype with static data.
4.) Collections
Here will be learning on how data is stored and retrived. Also how to keep the data in sync with the user interface.
5.) Publications & Subscriptions
We will be learning how publications and subscriptions work on meteor. Here we will make our server publish only relevant data to the client.
6.) Routing
We will be learning how routing works in meteor . We will be creating unique urls for team’s pages.
7.) Sessions
We will be learning on how we can use sessions to improve the user experience.
8.) Meteor Accounts
We will be adding authentication to our app. We also will be implementing twitter login to our app.
9.) Allow / Deny
We will implement allow or deny callbacks to make our app secure.
10.) Deploying
Here we will be deploying our app.
Meteor is well funded project. Developed by engineers of Facebook,Google etc.
Meteor is an open-source, full-stack JavaScript framework that makes it easy to write top-quality web apps in a fraction of the time. When you install Meteor on your laptop and create a new Meteor project, it comes bundled with all the different technology components you need, and it configures them to work together behind the scenes so that everything just works. This is really powerful for beginners because it lets you focus on learning to code, rather than on configuration.
Meteor gets you to your first live deployed web app right away.Having your own tangible project to hack on is hugely motivating, and that makes you much more likely to succeed in your goal of becoming a developer.
One of the seven principles of Meteor is “Simplicity equals productivity.” Meteor was designed to be easy to learn, including for beginners. You don’t have to learn everything at the start. For example, Meteor automatically synchronizes data between all your users in real time for you: you don’t have to think about it until you’re ready to add custom rules for who can see what.
Every developer and new entrepreneur should legitimately give Meteor a serious look. Your time to market will be shorter and developer happiness will increase 10-fold.
1.)A laptop with Ubuntu OS or a Mac (Highly Recomended)
2.)Basic knowlede of JavaScript.
3.)Have worked with front-end framework like bootstrap or have good HTML CSS skills.
It’s wierd am writing about myself.
I cofounded Boutline (Which recently graduated from 4th Batch of Microsoft Ventures). Also an impatient hacker who love creating things rapidly. Every stuff i have with me like t-shirt,watch,phone,laptop is from a hackthon. I have recieved the azure contributor award for conducting workshops on Windows Azure.
Well finally it’s not about me. But i want developers here to exploit the power of meteor and create amazing stuff with it.
Sep 2014
15 Mon
16 Tue
17 Wed 09:30 AM – 06:15 PM IST
18 Thu 08:30 AM – 06:00 PM IST
19 Fri 08:45 AM – 05:30 PM IST
20 Sat 08:45 AM – 05:15 PM IST
21 Sun
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