JSFoo 2013

All about being creative with JavaScript



Frontend Dev Ops

Submitted Aug 23, 2013

As the browsers are becoming more powerful & Webapps more complex, the way we deploy them is changing too.


I’ll try to cover a few topics related to building & deploying rich webapps to production & automating as much as possible.

  • Automated Asset management (styles & templates)
  • Automated Localization
  • Automated Sprites & Icon-fonts
  • Linting & CI
  • Building using tools like grunt
  • Automated Continuous deployment
  • Caching
  • Network performance
  • Error tracking
  • Performance tracking


  • Experience building rich webapps.
  • Interest in deploying desktop-grade apps

Speaker bio

Aditya is a full-stack Developer at 6Wunderkinder GmbH.
He also works as the Front-end dev-ops guy for wunderlist.com




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{{ gettext('New comment') }}
{{ formTitle }}

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{{ gettext('No comments posted yet') }}

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