JSFoo 2013

All about being creative with JavaScript

Adhil Azeez NV


First un-learn and then more to learn: Our experience building a complex web app entirely in AngularJS

Submitted Jul 18, 2013

You are already a Front end rockstar, you build great interfaces, but always wondered how to:

  1. make your web app more responsive and faster(make it feel like an native app)
  2. use a MV* framework
  3. make your life building the app easier and faster

We will be sharing our experiences of building a complex web app for mobile devices using AngularJS. Attendees can learn from these experiences on what to look out for, while starting to build your AngularJS app and how to embrace this new framework, which is fast becoming the default way of building apps.
This is definitely going to be more than just the 10-15 minute tutorials you find online to build the first Angular JS app.


We will take you through our journey of building the mobile version of EngagementHQ, an online product that is helping hundreds of government entities effectively engage and interact with the local communities in different parts of the world.

The journey will outline:

  1. Why we planned to build this entirely using AngularJS?
  2. The process of building this App, right from UX requirements to actual launch
  3. Real examples of the problems we faced and what we had to unlearn in this process
  4. How we started to enjoy and embrace the AngularJS framework? We will touch upon the following concepts of AngularJS that helped us tackle the various roadblocks encountered
  • Building routes for apps with multi-level navigation
  • Managing Complex UI states
  • Chaining the Flow using deferred objects
  • Use cases of Events and Directives
  • Cases in which we changed Angular’s default behaviour to get the UX we wanted
  1. Why Domain Specific Language makes sense for your projects and how AngularJS makes this easy?


Basic understanding about AngularJS and its terminologies.

Speaker bio

Adhil Azeez:
Adhil is a front end engineer at Bang The Table with special interest in UX/UI design. He was fortunate enough to have his first computer at a very young age and learned more and more about them by breaking and fixing it. He is a free software evangelist and a strong supporter. Outside of a life out of computers and programming, he is a movie buff, music lover, avid reader and an aspiring writer.

Praneet Koppula:
Praneet is a daily Design Thinker, weekend Cook and an occasional photographer. After an engineering degree, he has dabbled in the design world researching technology products for the under-served, designed interfaces and services. He has worked at both large organisations and startups, evangelising UX and setting up UX teams. He currently heads the UX team at Bang The Table.




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