JSFoo 2013

All about being creative with JavaScript

Vikash Agrawal


Develop your first multi room chat with Node.js, Websockets and MongoDB

Submitted Jun 19, 2013

The objective of this talk is to learn websockets, Node.js and MongoDB. This will help attendees learn Node and express framework. It will also get their hands dirty with MongoDB.


IRC is a multiroom chat, where people from across the globe can come to one place and have a formal, semi-formal or informal discussions and chat. This workshop will help to learn and develop one using express framework (Node.js) and websockets. Websockets will be used to handle events on joining, chatting or on leaving the chatroom. MongoDB will be used for storing all the informations.
EasterEgg :- Using Querystrings to make your private chatrooms on the server :-)


  • A laptop preferably with Linux or Mac.
  • A browser which supports HTML5 Websockets
  • All the other necessary binaries could either be pre-installed or can be distributed at the event.

Speaker bio

hi I am Vikash Agrawal. Currently I am doing my Google Summer of Code (GSoC) with W3C for JSON-LD. In the past I have been a GSoC participant with Mozilla (2012) and X.org (2011). I love travelling and sharing of knowledge. I have delivered several talks and workshops in my college and outside it. I was one of the speakers at MozCamp Delhi and Firefox OS App Days, Delhi organised at Amity University and BVP New Delhi respectively.


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