Jan 2012
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21 Sat 10:00 AM – 04:30 PM IST
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@netroy Proposing
Submitted Dec 23, 2011
Introduction to varions JS binding for desktop toolkits.
Not going to cover any mobile related content.
JS is a language designed around Async concepts.
With Closures & Callbacks, JS is an excellant choice for building apps that have a lot of user-interaction and/or network/disk IO.
The talk should cover
So If you a web-developer & experienced enough with Client-Side or Server-Side JS, & don’t like that particular app on your linux machine, Its about time you built your own.
You don’t need to learn Python, Vala, C etc. just to build desktop apps anymore.
Basic understanding of JS syntax, Closures & Callbacks
I’m an EcmaScripter
{{ gettext('Login to leave a comment') }}
{{ gettext('Post a comment…') }}{{ errorMsg }}
{{ gettext('No comments posted yet') }}