A People's Digital Republic

Can traditional legal approaches -- such as PILs -- be leveraged to safeguard our digital rights? Are there guarantees for our fundamental rights in the digital age?

Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF) is hosting Rohit De - Associate Professor of History at Yale University and an Associate Research Scholar at the Yale Law School - to discuss these questions and more.

Date: Saturday, 11 January
Time: 6:25 PM - 8:00 PM
Venue: IFF office, East of Kailash, New Delhi

Rohit De will walk us through the research outlined in his book - A People’s Constitution: The Everyday Life of Law in the Indian Republic (2018). In the book, De explores how the Indian constitution, despite its elite authorship and alien antecedents, came to permeate everyday life and imagination in India during its transition from a colonial state to a democratic republic. Drawing on themes discussed in Rohit’s book, we will explore how strategic litigation grounded in public movements can advance fundamental rights in our digital age.

Who should attend this event:

  1. Lawyers
  2. Individuals interested in understanding the constitution and engaging with it.

Participation in the event is free. RSVP to attend. Seating is limited to 25 participants, on first-come-first-serve basis.

For more information about the event, write to IFF’s Operations Team on shivani@internetfreedom.in


IFF Office

E-215, Third Floor

East of Kailash

New Delhi - 110065

Delhi, IN


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The Internet Freedom Foundation is an Indian digital liberties organisation that seeks to ensure technology respects fundamental rights. more