

There are 3 types of user on Zoom Meetings/Webinars:

  1. Hosts/Co-Hosts: Host has all the privileges including assigning/withdrawing Co-hosts. They can promote attendees to panelists, view Q&A, Lock the Webinar, Start Live Streaming, End the Meeting, etc
  2. Panelists: They are full participants in the meeting. They can view and send video, screen share, annotate, etc. Please note that panelists will receive a direct email invitation separate from the attendees of the Webinar.
  3. Attendees: They are view-only participants who can be unmuted if the host chooses. Their view of the webinar is controlled by the host. They can interact with the host and the panelists through the Q&A and the chat.

Note: Host can assign Co-hosts only once the session starts. Co-host can not start the webinar/stream.


Creating a Brand Channel

Please do not forget to create your channel as a Brand Channel. Brand Channel allows you to have multiple managers or owners.

  1. Log in to youtube from your account.
  2. Go to channel list by clicking here
  3. Create a new channel as a brand account.
  4. Verify it by clicking here

More FAQs on Brand account :

Creating a Stream

  1. With your Brand Channel created, go to Youtube Studio
  2. Click on Create > Go live.
  3. Fill in all the details, make it public and schedule the stream.

Note: It takes 24 hours to get a new channel verified for live streaming. So, please verify the your Brand account by going to the Live streaming page and linking your phone number.

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