
A guide to formatting content on

This website uses Markdown formatting, in full compliance with the CommonMark specification, and with extensions. This page contains a guide to Markdown formatting as supported here, with recommendations on style.

Basic markup

Text may be written as plain text, with a blank line between paragraphs, and formatted using special symbols.


Three levels of emphasis are available, using either of the * and _ characters: _emphasis_, **strong emphasis** or ***extra strong emphasis*** to get emphasis, strong emphasis or extra strong emphasis.

Either underscore or asterix or a combination may be used. Underscores are preserved when they appear _between_words_ as_in_here, wheres asterisks can be used when *partial*word emphasis is required: deemphasised.

Write [a link to]( to get a link to A URL may also be inserted directly, and if recognised and allowed in the context, will be converted into a link:


A list can be written using * or - as the first character on the line:

* List
* List
* List

- List
- List
- List


  • List
  • List
  • List

For a numbered list, use 1. or 1):

1. List
2. List
3. List

1) List
2) List
3) List

To get:

  1. List
  2. List
  3. List

Lists can be started from any number:

  1. List
  2. List
  3. List

Lists can be nested by indenting the sublist with three or more spaces, and can contain multiple paragraphs:

1. List item 1

   With second paragraph in this list item
2. List item 2
   - Sublist 1
   - Sublist 2
   - Sublist 3
3. List item 3

To get:

  1. List item 1

    With second paragraph in this list item

  2. List item 2

    • Sublist 1
    • Sublist 2
    • Sublist 3
  3. List item 3

Description lists

Term 1
Description for both terms here

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Documentation to get started using this website. more

This website uses Markdown formatting, in full compliance with the CommonMark specification, and with extensions. This page contains a guide to Markdown formatting as supported here, with recommendations on style.

Basic markup

Text may be written as plain text, with a blank line between paragraphs, and formatted using special symbols.


Three levels of emphasis are available, using either of the * and _ characters: _emphasis_, **strong emphasis** or ***extra strong emphasis*** to get emphasis, strong emphasis or extra strong emphasis.

Either underscore or asterix or a combination may be used. Underscores are preserved when they appear _between_words_ as_in_here, wheres asterisks can be used when *partial*word emphasis is required: deemphasised.

Write [a link to]( to get a link to A URL may also be inserted directly, and if recognised and allowed in the context, will be converted into a link:


A list can be written using * or - as the first character on the line:

* List
* List
* List

- List
- List
- List


  • List
  • List
  • List

For a numbered list, use 1. or 1):

1. List
2. List
3. List

1) List
2) List
3) List

To get:

  1. List
  2. List
  3. List

Lists can be started from any number:

  1. List
  2. List
  3. List

Lists can be nested by indenting the sublist with three or more spaces, and can contain multiple paragraphs:

1. List item 1

   With second paragraph in this list item
2. List item 2
   - Sublist 1
   - Sublist 2
   - Sublist 3
3. List item 3

To get:

  1. List item 1

    With second paragraph in this list item

  2. List item 2

    • Sublist 1
    • Sublist 2
    • Sublist 3
  3. List item 3

Description lists

Term 1
Description for both terms here

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Documentation to get started using this website. more