helloA11Y Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2020

helloA11Y Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2020

Discussing a more inclusive and accessible digital world

Did you know the websites, products, and apps you use everyday cannot be accessed by everyone? Like physical spaces, the digital spaces also pose obstacles for those with disabilities. Yet there are a few simple measures that platforms can take to promote a culture of accessibility, and inclusivity for audiences with all kinds of disabilities: visual, hearing, motor, and cognitive. After all, isn’t technology supposed to change the world?

The Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) event is the first initiative by the helloA11y community, in partnership with HasGeek. Each year, on the third Thursday of May, professionals across the spectrum come together to share, discuss, and nurture ideas around accessibility.

helloA11Y is a community that anchors discussions on accessibility and inclusivity across the digital sphere. We hope to continue these conversations, and work towards spreading awareness, sharing resources, and creating inclusive digital spaces to provide an equitable learning platform for all.

Date: Thursday, 21 May 2020
Time: 5:20 pm - 10 pm
Format: Conference. Multiple speakers will present talks on topics on incorporating accessibility in one’s work culture.
RSVP: This event is free to attend. Join via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/99533107486?pwd=Q1N1eWozb2xSR0dxRDZ2M1FwVDZudz09 or watch it on YouTube live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSW4hqJOFwk

Who should participate:

  1. Professionals looking to make their product, platforms, or services reach all potential users, with different accessibility challenges.
  2. Teams looking to build and/or maintain accessibility standards in work culture.
  3. Project managers, user experience professionals, user interface designers, and developers.


  1. Considerations for Inclusive Social VR, Thomas Logan.
  2. SVG Icons and Screen Reader Accessibility, Dennis Lembree.
  3. Writing Accessible friendly CSS, Tanisha Sabherwal.
  4. Challenges we face while automatic accessibility testing and some solutions to overcome, Prem Nawaz Khan Maraikayar.
  5. Exploring Inclusive Artificial Intelligence, Ted Drake.
  6. 100 Days of Accessibility: Getting started on web accessibility, Amy Carney.



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