Dec 2020
14 Mon
15 Tue 06:30 PM – 07:30 PM IST
16 Wed
17 Thu
18 Fri
19 Sat
20 Sun
Gaurav Chaturvedi
Submitted Dec 18, 2020
Personally Hasgeek has played an importaint part in my professional career. I have met and had many interesting discussions and made a lot of interesting friends whom I met only at Hasgeek events. Hence I have always looked forward to attending Hasgeek events.
I have known the team from before the genesis of Hasgeek. The entire team has been passsonate about technology. They would not have survived without Kiran’s passion and Zainab’s cat herding skills.
In the past 10 years Hasgeek has become the defacto space to have conversations not just about technology but humanities also.
They have survived multiple ups and downs admirably.
I wish them success in the time ahead.
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