Ten years of Hasgeek

Ten years of Hasgeek

In 2020, Hasgeek turns a decade old. Here’s a recap

Praseetha KR

Praseetha KR


Congrats on the 10th year! 🎉

Submitted Dec 17, 2020

Can’t believe it has been 10 years! When I joined Hasgeek it was 2 years old. It was my first job out of college. I was so lucky to end up being here. Kiran & Zainab are amazing people who had a great influence in my life. Working at Hasgeek was a unique experience.

Apart from writing code, there were so many fun stuff. Getting hands-on with numerous video recording equipments, fine-tuning lighting for the stage, branding for events, networking basics, I could go on forever. I remember when we were ideating for Rootconf website design Kiran took us to a data centre for design inspiration! That was the first time I saw inside of a data centre - learned so many things that day. There were several moments like this which made working at Hasgeek exciting. I was able to grow both professionally and personally.

Hasgeek events are always welcoming, fun and informative. I got to meet lot of awesome people. CSS Workshop by Sunil Pai, Responsive Web Design workshop by Arpan Chinta, Typography Workshop by Dave & Pathum - these workshops helped me to get better at CSS and web design. Attending MetaRefresh and JSFoo contiguously for years helped me to learn a lot in the evolving web platform.

Congrats on the 10th year! Thanks Zainab, Kiran & rest of the Hasgeek team.



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