Call for round the year submissions for Fragments in 2019

Call for round the year submissions for Fragments in 2019

Submit a proposal at any time in the year on mobile engineering, state of mobile platforms, and building products with mobile. We will find you a suitable opportunity to share your work.

Mohanraj K.M.


Kotlin Clean Code for Android

Submitted Feb 19, 2019

Are you an Android developer? Do you have huge monolithic fragments in your code? Are there too many non-testable classes? Are you faced with poor code coverages? Doesn’t this sound like a familiar story in Android app engineering? Kotlin Clean Code can help you solve these problems and improve the developer experience.

In this experiential talk, Mohanraj Karatadipalayam gives you a detailed overview of Kotlin Clean Code For Android, that enables the developers to write clean code, that has a good degree of separation of concerns and testability. He explores in detail, the need for Kotlin Clean Code for Android that makes programming more predictable. Using real examples and code snippets, Mohan highlights key challenges encountered while writing such apps and how he overcame them.

What actionable benefits / knowledge will attendees gain by attending your talk?
Key Takeaways from this talk include:

  • Understanding the need for Kotlin Clean Code For Android
  • Learn how it differs from other patterns
  • Learn how to write apps using Kotlin Clean Code For Android
  • Learn about how to code less and test more in an efficient manner



Android app development knowledge

Speaker bio

Mohanraj works as a Senior Architect for Mobile and Conversational commerce products at Amadeus Software Labs, Bangalore. He is responsible for mobile app and conversational products design, and architecture. He is a polyglot developer, who is passionate about writing clean code. He loves clean coding in JavaScript, Java, Groovy, NodeJS, Kotlin, and Swift. Mohan is an active contributor to open source world, particularly in Kotlin and Javascript. Mohan is a developer advocate, believes in creating best developer experience in everyday engineering life. Other than software, Mohan interests include teaching, cricket, and farming, believes and practices zero budget farming. You can follow Mohan on Medium ( or Linked In (



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