Call for round the year submissions for Fragments in 2019

Call for round the year submissions for Fragments in 2019

Submit a proposal at any time in the year on mobile engineering, state of mobile platforms, and building products with mobile. We will find you a suitable opportunity to share your work.

ranadeep bhuyan


iOS & Android components with Flutter & reactive Dart

Submitted May 9, 2019

We will learn about Flutter, the mobile SDK released by Google and how to build components with it. It is a new way to build beautiful native mobile apps that break away from the “cookie cutter” apps that have been so common in the past. There is something far more revolutionary about Flutter is how it implements widgets that provides reactive views with Native apps as compared to the JavaScript Bridge.

Issues with React Native and Cordova such as Slow UI, unidirectional eventing, limited by browser capability, no access to native hardware capabilities will be highlighted and compared with this new approach in an architectural case study.

We will learn functional and reactive coding in Dart, which is compiled “ahead of time” into native code for multiple platforms. This allows Flutter to communicate with the platform without going through a JavaScript bridge that does a context switch. This way it addresses issues brought into the world by hybrid SDKs and frameworks.

Key Takeaways:

  • Challenges with react native and Cordova, JavaScrip bridge - how to solve it?
  • Learn developing cross platform apps with Flutter
  • Applying Material design and Cupertino components in iOS and Android apps
  • Understand Functional and reactive code with Dart


Automatic polygloting

Generating native code and compiling for a target OS - very good for Startups!
** Cupertino components on iOS
** Material design on Android
** Hands on demonstration: Conversational UI app
** Hands on Flutter app development on android and iOS app development
** Creating reusable components with Material designs and Cupertino with a flutter app that runs on Android and iOS, demo to build a conversational UI.

A side by side comparison chart with react native and Flutter.

Dart allows faster code writing and deployment. It allows building components with lesser code.
Moreover, there are a lot of fan followers and that is growing faster as it is Google that can change the paradigm of Mobile app/components development.


Not showing up in Thoughtworks Tech Radar yet, I mean it does not have a very large support community yet like JavaScript.
Everything is a widget, reactive programming is a paradigm shift for conventional sequential instruction based programming, this is instead a benefit except the change in mindset part.
30% larger binary due to its cross platform libraries - this is an opportunity of improvement

Speaker bio

Full stack engineer at Intuit. Design, develop and Architect solutions for complex engineering problems for QuickBooks customers.

QuickBooks Engineering blog


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