Call for round the year submissions for Fragments in 2019

Call for round the year submissions for Fragments in 2019

Submit a proposal at any time in the year on mobile engineering, state of mobile platforms, and building products with mobile. We will find you a suitable opportunity to share your work.

##We have closed submissions for Fragments Conf, Bangalore edition which will be held on 30 March. If you wish to submit a proposal for the conference, make a submission here.

##About Fragments:

Fragments is a conference on mobile engineering, including:

  1. State of platforms/OS
  2. Hardware
  3. Engineering approaches and paradigms
  4. UX

In 2019, Fragments is a traveling conference with editions in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, and potentially Hyderabad and Kochi (in the second half of 2019).

##Topics for submission:

We seek proposals -- for short and long talks, Birds of Feather (BOF) session topics, and workshops + tutorials -- on the following topics:

  1. Deep dive technical talks on Flutter.
  2. AR Core: practical approaches and the business use cases.
  3. Reducing app size to below 10MB and how to cater for lower-end phones.
  4. PWA caching strategies.
  5. ML Kit (ML Kit | Google Developers).
  6. On device ML.
  7. Server-side ML.
  8. Progressive ML, where the fallback is on-device ML when the device goes offline.
  9. Functional programming for mobile.
  10. Coroutines in Kotlin.
  11. Mobile specific user research.
  12. Case studies from teams which have switched away from cross platform approaches.
  13. Use cases for which Native apps work versus use cases where it doesn’t make sense to build Native apps.
  14. Deep dive talks on performance.
  15. Optimising for lower-end hardware.
  16. Future of chatbots for conversations on mobile.
  17. Automating design to code.

##Contact us:

If you have questions/queries, write to us on

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