FOSSMeet 2019

FOSSMeet is an annual event at NIT Calicut that brings together the Free and Open Source Community from around the country.

Bhanu Prakash


Understanding CMS through Drupal

Submitted Jan 11, 2019

Are you the one who dreams of having your own website online with unlimited features free of cost?
Then this talk would be the perfect one for you to get introduced into such technology with which you can develop websites in a faster and easier way. Drupal is a Content Management System written in PHP with a sharp focus on user-friendliness, content presentation, new ways to create data structures, build APIs, multilingual capabilities, and the delivery of mobile accessibility. Get an idea on how even a beginner can start learning, developing or improving the functionalities of the system. Alongside to the technical giveaways, this session will also equip you with a few important guidelines on contributing to this organization.

The students would get an opportunity to understand, why open source is important. This will give students applying for GSoC 2019 a kickstart in the right direction to start contributing to Drupal or any organization of their choice. Having said that, this will also act as a refreshing talk for developers already in this field.


What is Open Source? A unique view

  • When do you call something Open Source?
    The answer will go through some of the fundamental criteria for calling something open source, which were agreed upon by different developers across the world.

  • What is Open source cycle?
    To understand that open source is not just about giving away a product for free. Rather, an open source foundation can be formed by building various services on top of it.

  • How Internet is Open Source?
    Explaining the fundamental functions of the Internet which are built upon different open source technologies like Linux and Apache server.

What is a Content Management System(CMS)?

  • Introduction to CMS
    An understanding of how a CMS enables non-technically minded users to create functional web-pages or upload and modify the content themselves without outsourcing the work to a webmaster.

  • Advantages and Uses of CMS
    With a CMS, the underlying architecture is the same so you can make maintenance changes, update the CMS software and add functionality without breaking the site.

What is Drupal?

Drupal is a free, open-source web content management platform for content, community and commerce.

  • Why Drupal stands out of the crowd in all CMS?
    Drupal’s extensive user permission system which is highly reliable has made it known as a community site building platform, and its underlying API allows plug-ins to alter data, create pages and content, and change the way a site works.

  • Easy way to install Drupal localhost
    A quick glance on installing the Drupal 8 localhost and addressing the basic errors faced during the installation.

  • Basic site configuration in Drupal
    Overview of basic site configuration concepts. Description on module installation, user account settings, and themes are covered.

  • Contribution to Drupal Issue Queue
    The issue queue allows any project user to post an ‘issue’ to a specific project version and categorize it and give it a priority.

  • Drupal Theming Basics
    The goal of this part is to provide you with a complete overview of the front-end changes made in Drupal 8 and to get you prepared with creating a custom Drupal 8 theme.

A few preparation tips for Google Summer Of Code aspirants with a few do’s and don’ts from my experience with GSoC.

  • How to become familiar in a community?
  • How to choose a project in an organization?
  • Why there is no need to learn everything?
  • How to write a perfect proposal?


None. All you need to be is be an open-source enthusiast.

Speaker bio

Bhanu Prakash is a sophomore student in Computer Science Engineering at Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri. He is a active Developer, in fact, one of the few active student developer, who has been consistently contributing to Drupal, an Open Source Organisation. He is also an active member of FOSS@Amrita, one of the most active FOSS Club in India. In 2018, he has been part of Google Summer of Code(GSoC) where his project was to port a module named Commerce Instamojo (a payment gateway) to Drupal 8 from Drupal 7. He had also mentored students as part of Google Code-In 2018 program with Drupal organisation.


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FOSSMeet is an annual event on Free and Open Source Software, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Calicut. The funnel is a space for proposals and voting on events. more