FOSSMeet 2019

FOSSMeet is an annual event at NIT Calicut that brings together the Free and Open Source Community from around the country.

Ashish Kurian Thomas


Its a Unix System, I know this! - Building Unix compliant CLI apps in JavaScript

Submitted Jan 4, 2019

There are a lot of Javascript packages finding their way into GNU/Linux distribution repos. If we want to write a simple script in JavaScript that plays well with the $SHELL, there are a few nitpick areas that need to be dealt with. In a nutshell, we’ll learn how to build a CLI app in JS, that will work as smooth and integrated as a system script, built with ruby or python. This will be a live-coding session or a workshop if people are interested in hacking along.
P.S In between, there will be a showcase of some bash(SHELL) tips and tricks, that saves me quite some time, when coding.


  • Getting familiar with the NodeJS runtime.
  • Understand how a unix/posix compliant program behaves.
  • Understanding modules in NodeJS and how to write one a.k.a how the “require” and “module” modules works.
  • Learn about Javascript classes, objects, method chaining, prototypes and prototype inheritance a.ka a crash course into Object-oriented Javascript.
  • Writing a cli wrapper for a custom(simple) JS library.
  • Learn a bit about the Unix conventions.
  • Putting it all together to get a nice CLI utility that can be distributed with any GNU/Linux distro.


  • The very basics of JavaScript. We’ll be going over it anyway, but it helps if you’re prepared.
  • How to use a cli app(if you’ve ever bust open a terminal, you’re cool)

Speaker bio

I work as a Fullstack web developer over at In my spare time, I build tooling for optimising work flow and admire docker from a distance. Currently trying to go full self-hosted with OpenBSD.



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FOSSMeet is an annual event on Free and Open Source Software, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Calicut. The funnel is a space for proposals and voting on events. more