Submit a talk on data

Submit a talk on data

Submit talks on data engineering, data science, machine learning, big data and analytics through the year – 2019

##This space is open for submitting proposals on data engineering, data science, machine learning, big data and analytics through the year in 2019.

We will host data events round the year, in 2019. Talks for these conferences will be selected from here. Submit a proposal any time.

##Should you have queries, write to us on or call us on 7676332020

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All about data science and machine learning

Anusha Venkat


How does big data & data insights drive business. New trends in enterprise data services

Submitted Aug 30, 2018

How does big data & the insights drive Business for PayPal, JIO , eBay, etc. What are the new trends that provide data insights that drives business towards success. Key performance indicators and the actions surrounding them.


Use of Data Insights to mitigate Risk in Payments industry
--> Creating a customer/merchant risk portfolio in onboarding -> Inputs for insights -> Trends / Patterns fethed out of the insights -> Arriving the data score
--> Creating a customer/merchant sustenance score -> Actively looking for money laundering -> Risk mitigation by analyzing behaviour patterns
--> Risk mitigation. Being Pro-active in front of increasing sophisticated frauds. -> Various datasets & patterns used

Speaker bio

I am currenttly as senior Technical Product Manager at PayPal. I own PayPal’s tracking platform, crawler and search platform. I have over 8 years of Experience in the FinTech and e-Commerce space.

In my last assignment with JIO, I drove end-to-end strategy ground-up for NFC based payment solutions targeting 400 million mobile subscribers in India where I had the opportunity to work with aadhar team in solutioning UPI payments for feature phones. I also had the opportunity of building an entire big data pipeline that handles all of JIO’s user data to convert it to a real-time response system.

Prior to Jio, I had the opportunity to build consumer facing products at Amazon and eBay as an Engineer/Product Owner and brings in perspectives as an end customer of platform services.

I am passionate about Indian Classical music and have built my own startup, a portal for structured Indian classical music lessons. A part of the startup, a unique pitch detection algorithm and pitch indication meter was sold to a Berlin based music company.


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All about data science and machine learning