Submit a talk on data

Submit a talk on data

Submit talks on data engineering, data science, machine learning, big data and analytics through the year – 2019

##This space is open for submitting proposals on data engineering, data science, machine learning, big data and analytics through the year in 2019.

We will host data events round the year, in 2019. Talks for these conferences will be selected from here. Submit a proposal any time.

##Should you have queries, write to us on or call us on 7676332020

Hosted by

All about data science and machine learning

Abhishek Narain


Enabling modern data integration in Azure cloud

Submitted Nov 2, 2018

This session walks through a comprehensive set of new additions to Azure Data Factory (ADF) and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) for moving and integrating data across on-premises and cloud. Topics and examples focus on the needs of the data integrator and data engineer for data warehousing with Big Data, business intelligence, and advanced analytics in SaaS applications. Learn how Microsoft has enabled simple, scalable, and reliable data pipelines in ADF using a serverless, hybrid, parallel data movement service to lift and shift SSIS packages and create new modern ETL/ELT workflows in a code-free environment for your Big Data workload.


  1. ETL/ ELT options on Azure
  2. Why Azure Data Factory (ADF)?
  3. End-to-end demos- ETL with SSIS on Cloud (lift-and-shift) using ADF, ETL with databricks using ADF
  4. Customer use-cases and learnings

Speaker bio

Abhishek works as a Program Manager in Azure Data group, focusing on Information Management stack (Azure Data Factory). He has earlier worked as a Consultant and Technical Evangelist at Microsoft working on Azure – IoT, Big Data, PaaS services and helped Partners/ ISVs architect scalable applications on Azure.


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Hosted by

All about data science and machine learning