
The Fifth Elephant Pune Meetup

A workshop and meetup in Pune about data science, analytics and machine learning.

Accepting submissions

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Harshad Saykhedkar

Harshad Saykhedkar

Introduction to recommendation systems with Python

Recommendation systems and algorithms have application in many domains, retail/e-commrce and content recommendation being the obvious ones. Research, software development and general interest in recommendation systems exploded in the last few years, especially after rise of e-commerce and Netflix’s competition on movie recommendations. more
  • Confirmed
  • 22 Jun 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Yash Gandhi

Finding topics in short texts

We are living in the times of social media, where most of the text we come across is short, with news topics having a shelf life of a banana. With more information becoming available for consumption, it is getting tougher for us to find any useful trends. Topic Modeling is a powerful technology for data mining and search, using which we can classify short texts and find relevant trends. In this t… more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed
  • 28 Jun 2017
Technical level: Intermediate

Swapnil Dubey

Time Processing and Watermarks using Google Pub\Sub and Google DataFlow.

In this talk, we will be discussing about the watermark ingestion pattern of doing realtime analytics using Google Cloud Platform. Talk will primary cover the use case of intermittant data ingestion in a system(for example: a system ingesting data going offline frequently) and how to perform Real Time Analytics using GCP as platform. more
  • 1 comment
  • Confirmed
  • 29 Jun 2017
Technical level: Advanced

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