Hello everyone,
The Privacy Mode team has compiled recommendations for NPD V2, taking into account issues of privacy, technical implementation, consent and overall need for NPD.
The recommendations are available for downloading as a PDF on: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z8OGQ88_L19kyyTxIQ3WRPxbDpqZKc8G/view?usp=sharing
To become a signatory to the recommendations Privacy Mode has compiled, add your details on: https://forms.gle/ryVzdwkuLsvspLyK8
We encourage you to submit independent submissions via the MyGov website. The deadline is today, 11:45 PM.
Should you have questions about submitting/signing the recommendations for NPD V2, reply to this message or call the Privacy Mode team on 7676332020
View videos and submissions from NPD Week on hasgeek.com/PrivacyMode/npd-week/videos and hasgeek.com/PrivacyMode/npd-week/sub