Showcase your work on  Serverless Tech and Streaming Data

πŸ‘©πŸ» πŸ’» About the Meetup πŸ‘©πŸ» πŸ’»

This is an in-person meetup open to individuals who want to share and learn experiences with data engineering, streaming tech, and serverless tech in small and large organizations.

The Fifth Elephant and Rootconf speaker - Achal Shah - will be present at the meetup. Achal is Tech Lead Manager (TLM) at Tecton. Achal has worked at the intersection of ML Infrastructure and Systems for years now, focused on real-time and streaming systems.

🎀 Format 🎀

Sandeep Joshi - editor of the data engineering track at Fifthel 2024 - has curated the discussion with Achal.

(πŸ“… The schedule of the meetup is updated πŸ“…)[].

Here’s the gist of the format:

  • Introductions
  • Discussion of some of the problems around data engineering, streaming tech and data science that Achal has solved - moderated by Sandeep Joshi.
  • At the end of the discussion, two slots will be open for particpants who want to share the work they are doing, and get feedback from Achal and Sandeep. Add details about your flash talk (here)[]
  • The meetup will end with networking over beverages and snacks. A warm thank you to for sponsoring the meetup.

βœ… Why participate βœ…

  1. Learn what is happening in the tech practice ecosystem - data engineering, streaming tech, and data science.
  2. Benchmark the practice and approaches in your organization.
  3. Receive critical feedback for the work you are doing. The feedback helps you identify technical gaps in your work, analysis, or presentation.

Learning from the experience of other practitioners and organizations helps you reduce decision overheads.

β‹†β­’Λšπ– ‹π– ‹π– ‹*.⋆ Who should participate β‹†β­’Λšπ– ‹π– ‹π– ‹*.⋆

  1. Practising engineers with at least two years of experience and more - in DevOps, data engineering, MLOps
  2. Engineering managers
  3. Founders and tech teams of early stage startups

πŸ”° Attendance πŸ”°

This meetup is open to anyone who wants to attend.
Since seating is limited, priority access will be given to The Fifth Elephant and Rootconf members. Members will be admitted at the venue (walk-ins open for members) and issued a badge.

Contact information

For inquiries,
☎️ Call - (91)7676332020
πŸ“§ Email -
πŸ’¬ Leave a comment at


Koramangala Club

Room no. #203, 6th Cross Rd,

6th Block, Koramangala,

Bengaluru, - 560095

Karnataka, IN


Hosted by

Jump starting better data engineering and AI futures

Supported by

Meetup Sponsor is a collaboration and knowledge management platform that connects teams, streamlines communication, and enhances decision-making through advanced AI