Elastic Search users' meetup

Elastic Search users' meetup

A meetup for and by users of Elastic Search



Accepting submissions till 03 Jul 2019, 11:55 PM

Not accepting submissions

Speak at this meetup. We are accepting: Experiences with Elastic Search for data engineering/productionizing data science. Stories of leveraging features of Elastic Search which are novel and will benefit other users in this meetup. expand

Speak at this meetup. We are accepting:

  1. Experiences with Elastic Search for data engineering/productionizing data science.
  2. Stories of leveraging features of Elastic Search which are novel and will benefit other users in this meetup.
  3. Why pick Elastic over other tools for productionizing data science and vice-versa.
  4. Failure stories with Elastic Search.

Talks will be of 15-20 mins duration only.

Submit your ideas here for feedback and review.

Make a submission

Accepting submissions till 03 Jul 2019, 11:55 PM

Aravind Putrevu

What is Observability?

“With microservices every outage is like a murder mystery” is a common complaint. But it doesn’t have to be! This talk gives an overview on how to monitor distributed applications and introduce to concepts of Observability. more
  • Submitted
  • 19 Jun 2019

Abhishek Kumar Gupta

Elasticsearch as consistent Lookupstore

Elasticsearch is a distributed system which is highly scalable, performant and provides near-real time search capability. But elasticsearch don’t have a concept of transactions and is infamous for losing data or serving stale data. Can Elasticsearch be used as a consistent lookup data store, where we can ensure that any write that has happened is available for all future lookups? Can we ensure th… more
  • Confirmed & scheduled
  • 01 Jul 2019
Hybrid access (members only)

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