Call for Books

Call for Books

AI and Ethics Book Club



"Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence" by James Bridle

Submitted Jan 11, 2024

About the book

James Bridle’s “Ways of Being” is a profound exploration of intelligence in various forms—plant, animal, human, and artificial—and its impact on our perception of humanity’s place in the universe. Delving into the concept of intelligence, Bridle questions whether it is exclusive to humans or shared across diverse entities, including those made of flesh, wood, stone, and silicon. The rise of artificial intelligence, often perceived as an alien invention, raises concerns about its potential to decenter and surpass human capabilities. Simultaneously, Bridle highlights the overlooked intelligences in nature, such as animals and plants, revealing their complexity and knowledge. Drawing on biology, physics, literature, and philosophy, the book explores how understanding these intelligences can reshape our technologies, societies, and politics for a more harmonious coexistence with the nonhuman world.

Who is this session for?

  • AI enthusiasts and advocates
  • Tech professionals and developers
  • Business leaders and executives
  • Ethics and compliance officers
  • Policy makers and regulators
  • Academics and researchers

Key takeaways

[to be added]


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