Call for Books

Call for Books

AI and Ethics Book Club

About the AI and Ethics Book Club

This is a call for book suggestions to discuss under the AI and Ethics Book Club. The AI and Ethics Book Club is a monthly in-person discussion where a book is selected and discussed each month. The Book Club is open to practitioners from different disciplines, including AI, security, Machine Learning, law, legal-tech, health, health-tech, public policy, history, finance, and others.


This project is intended to collect book ideas to discuss, and curate sessions around the books related to the following topics:

  1. AI and safety
  2. AI biases, and risk mitigation
  3. Best practices around AI and ethics
  4. Approaches and frameworks to think about AI and ethics

Those interested in suggesting books to discuss can suggest multi-disciplinary topics which cover the scope of AI, ethics and considerations for the present and future.

Selection process - criteria for selecting books and scheduling monthly sessions

  1. The book to be taken up for discussion is either highly cited/reviewed, or is topical i.e., aligning with the themes of the Book Club, and has useful approaches for pracitioners to consider and incorporate in their work.
  2. The presenter must prepare slides, or flow document which will simplify the book into easily understandable essence, and topics to focus on.
  3. Review of slides and flow document, and any other relevant material will happen before confirming and scheduling the book for discussion.
  4. Once this is done, a moderator/emcee from the relevant domain will be matched with the presenter to anchor the discussion.

About the curators

The Book Club invites curators and reviwers from diverse disciplines to participate and continue the monthly cadence.

  • Bharat Shetty Barkur has worked across different organizations such as IBM India Software Labs, Aruba Networks, Fybr, Concerto HealthAI, and Airtel Labs. He has worked on products and platforms across diverse verticals such as retail, IoT, chat and voice bots, ed-tech, and healthcare leveraging AI, Machine Learning, NLP, and software engineering. His interests lie in AI, NLP research, and accessibility.

  • Michiel Baas is currently a Senior Research Fellow with the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. His research focuses on questions of cohabitation and cocreation with AI and he also writes a lot about the middle-class in India, and on questions of gender/sexuality and the body. He is the author of the book: Muscular India - Masculinity, Mobility and the New Middle Class.

How you can contribute

  1. Suggest a book to discuss.
  2. Moderate/discuss a book someone else is proposing.
  3. Pick up a membership to support the meet-ups and The Fifth Elephant’s activities.
  4. Spread the word among colleagues and friends. Join The Fifth Elephant Telegram group or WhatsApp group.

About The Fifth Elephant

The Fifth Elephant is a community funded organization. If you like the work that The Fifth Elephant does and want to support meet-ups and activities - online and in-person - contribute by picking up a membership


For inquiries, leave a comment or call The Fifth Elephant at +91-7676332020.

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