The Fifth Elephant 2024 Annual Conference (12th &13th July)

Maximising the Potential of Data — Discussions around data science, machine learning & AI




Securing big data environments

Submitted Jun 10, 2024

This BoF is about securing big data environments and learning about different controls from the security, data privacy, and compliance side. How to balance security, scale, and user experiences while scaling big data environment. There would be discussion around certain use cases and edge cases that data platform team should be aware of while implementing certain security controls

Who is the audience for your session?

  • Data Platform engineers/teams
  • Big data Infrastructure management engineers
  • Security engineers
  • GRC teams to help understand how to assess big data env.

What problem/pain are you trying to solve (for the audience)?

  • The aim is to talk about critical security controls on different big data env
  • To help data platform teams on how to go about implementing data security and data privacy controls on different big data env
  • Talk about certain open source tools that can be leveraged across different big data environments by data platform teams
  • How GRC and security teams can assess the data security posture for big data env.

What will be the scope of your session?

  • Real actionable open house discussion on how to secure big data env
  • challenges arising while implementing certain security controls
  • How to implement data security controls when you have already a lot of dashboards within your org built on PII data.
  • Security with backward and forward compatibility in big data env
  • open source tools that can be leveraged in what kind of use case

How will participants benefit from your session?

  • Real actionable insights on how to secure big data env
  • understanding on how to manage different data privacy use cases
  • How to handle and manage compliance (GDPR, HIPAA etc)
  • Which controls can scale and how and what are different gotchas that one has to be aware of


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